What does it feel like to be Hillary?
I was humiliated by Monica Lewinsky after defending my husband's fidelity and going on television to denounce the sexual accusations against him as a "vast right-wing conspiracy."
I still defended my husband against impeachment despite the swirling emotions inside me.
People call me an "ice queen," but those who know me in person recognize my femininity. They know what comes across on TV is distortion, but everyone who meets me for the first time thinks it's reality.
I worked really hard in the Senate for over six years and gained the respect of many New Yorkers who initially doubted me. Then, when it seemed like I had a clear path to the Democratic nomination, this Obama phenomenon hits, and it looks like it's going to be taken away from me.
What does it feel like to almost be President of the United States? My campaign advisors misled me and let the Obama campaign pre-empt the change message.
I had the best, most extensive infrastructure so why is Obama winning all the caucuses? It should be the other way around.
My husband, who was supposed to be my greatest assest, alienated all my black supporters after South Carolina.
People are asking me to drop out of the race, but I am, was, so close to winning. What's 100 delegates among 4,000?
I thought Bill Richardson was our friend, not just a political ally.
Why am I getting the blame for going negative when my hand was forced, and Obama would have done the same thing if our roles were reversed?
With all the supporters and all the celebrity, I just feel so very alone.