Here's just a few "Catch 22" situations and hypocrisy I've observed from the recent campaign.
1. Obama is criticized for his position on Iraq and then when he moderates his stance, he's accused of being a flip-flopper.
2. When there was a lot of violence in Iraq, we had to keep the troops in to maintain stability, then when the violence declines, we have to stay in or all our gains will be lost.
3. We needed large tax cuts as a peace dividend when the economy was going well, then we needed large tax cuts as a stimulus when the economy was going poorly.
4. Bush tried to open ANWAR for drilling before energy prices went up, and we needed to drill after prices went up.
5. Bush was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11, then the tragedy was used as an excuse for war after 9/11.
6. We needed to cut Social Security always at all times. The current exemption of higher earnings from Social Security taxes would fix the situation, but somehow that isn't proposed as a solution.
7. Somehow regulation of the market regarding oil speculators isn't mentioned as an alternative to lower gas prices, even though everyone seems to agree that it's the speculation, and not supply and demand, that is driving the increase.
8. McCain says the economy is not his strong suit, then spends all his time campaigning about it.
9. Bush is a good President for McCain's private fundraisers, but then is shunned in all public situations.
10. McCain is a maverick and an orthodox Republican at the same time.
This is just a short list of contradictions, lies and deception. I'm sure the reader can think of many more.