Not to belittle the horrible week our country has experienced, but let's be real. Politics is politics, and the new focus on the economy has turned the tables on the McCain campaign. The problem about relying on personalities (Rick Davis, McCain's campaign chairperson, said their campaign was not about issues), is that when real life intrudes, when issues rise to the forefront, there's nothing left but fluff.
Even worse than having no issue background is to be on the wrong side. McCain, and Republicans at large, favor deregulation of the financial sector, and that deregulation was largely responsible for the financial meltdown we experienced this week. You can't just erase twenty years of your life, change positions, and expect noone to notice.
I have faith in the American people. They may have been duped by George W. Bush for eight years, but eventually they catch on.
The Republican diversion-distort-smear campaign will no longer fool the American people. As the urgency of real world problems intrudes upon the campaign, they will be forced to take stands on the issues, face up to previous errors, and be held accountable. They will have no place to hide any longer.
Justice will prevail, and we will pass the torch to a new generation, a new Kennedy, to lead us.
Even worse than having no issue background is to be on the wrong side. McCain, and Republicans at large, favor deregulation of the financial sector, and that deregulation was largely responsible for the financial meltdown we experienced this week. You can't just erase twenty years of your life, change positions, and expect noone to notice.
I have faith in the American people. They may have been duped by George W. Bush for eight years, but eventually they catch on.
The Republican diversion-distort-smear campaign will no longer fool the American people. As the urgency of real world problems intrudes upon the campaign, they will be forced to take stands on the issues, face up to previous errors, and be held accountable. They will have no place to hide any longer.
Justice will prevail, and we will pass the torch to a new generation, a new Kennedy, to lead us.