To bring down the Clinton machine, he realized the importance of the caucuses and created a grassroots organization from scratch to get his supporters to the "polls," even though it may have consumed an entire evening as opposed to travelling to a local school to pull a lever.
And this was despite the fact that the local Democratic organizations, including district leaders, ward captains and elected officials, were often bound through loyalty and expediency to support Senator Clinton.
To beat the Republican attack machine, the Obama campaign did not panic but maintained a cool demeanor in the face of one crisis after another. While the McCain people were constantly reacting to events and re-calibrating their message, Senator Obama's team built an email and donor base, leveraging organizations already in place in nearly every state, thanks to the long primary challenge that Republicans were hoping would sap the Democrat's strength.
The results may still change, but just like the Clinton primary, it seems the Obama team knows how to build a lead and run out the clock.