Saturday, July 19, 2008

Obama Overseas

It makes me proud to be an American:

--To see the noblest aspects of our nature, not the caricatured picture of our greed.

--To see anything is possible in America, for anyone of any race.

--To see the world looking to our leadership again.

--To think we will be cheered in Europe instead of causing riots in the street.

--To have hope again for the future of our world.

--To be inspired again.

--To believe a rising tide will lift all boats, not just the rich.

--To know government may accomplish positive change instead of partisan rancor.

--To be rid of the hypocrisy of politicans using religion for personal advantage.

--To celebrate our diversity rather than having it used as a wedge to divide us.

--To see a future President who has a pretty good jump shot.

To see Obama overseas.