It seems fitting to conclude this year's My Week in Review blog with an entry titled "My Year in Review."
The blog focuses on three major topic areas: Politics, Religion and Public Relations, and I'll focus on each one in turn.
First, PR. This year has been a productive one for our company, Cut-It-Out Communications, and we've achieved several major goals. These include reaching the level of four major clients on full retainer, changing the company name (from Cut-It-Out Editing) and hiring consultants for a major overhaul of our website, to be completed in January. We've also expanded our offerings significantly, starting a new interactive program for our clients including blogs, online press releases, e-newsletters and online content syndication. We now also provide new structured web pages for client sites, primarily for press releases and forwarding of newsletter articles, so visitors can access the website directly instead of linking to a pdf file.
Religion: Well, our annual Bob Dylan Christmas card stirred the usual praise and controversy. We've also been published on (the online site for The Journal News) with a critique of the Religious Right and the issue of immigration. This blog was launched in the second half of the year, allowing an outlet for opinions about the link between politics and true Christianity.
Politics: Cut-It-Out Communications added new clients in the County Legislature and Greenburgh town hall. Support for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign for President took various forms, including a full-page creative word-scramble advertisement in the journal for the Annual Dinner of the Westchester County Democratic Committee.
We're looking forward to fruition in many of these fields in an exciting 2008.