With all due respect to David Letterman, please see below the top 10 reasons to vote for Hillary. Unlike Mr. Letterman, however, these reasons are serious because they address a very serious topic, the future of our country.
10. Hillary knows what it's like to live in the fishbowl of the White House and has learned how to be circumspect in her words and actions. Some people misinterpret this talent as running a tightly scripted campaign.
9. Hillary gets rave reviews for her performance as a U.S. Senator. Despite initial misgivings by many New Yorkers, she humbled herself in the Senate, worked hard and listened to Senators with more seniority. The result: she was re-elected to the Senate in a landslide and universally acclaimed by New York Democrats and Republicans alike.
8. Her closest advisor is Bill Clinton, who, despite personal weaknesses, created the most properous economic climate in decades when he was President.
7. Hillary has perseverance and grit, essential components of the job description for President. She handled the Lewinsky affair with uncommon poise and determination.
6. Hillary understands the health care system in the United States better than any other candidate, and this is one of the most important issues facing our society today.
5. It would be good for our country for a woman to be elected President.
4. Hillary has deplored the excesses of the Bush administration, from suspension of habeus corpus to waterboarding, and has pledged to reverse them.
3. Hillary understands the importance of dialogue and listening, in general, and especially during crisis situations.
2. You can trust Hillary to work for her beliefs because she has done so her entire life.
AND #1
Hillary is most likely to win in November, and our country can't afford four more years of a Republican administration.