Am I missing something, or does it look like Barack Obama will win the November election in a landslide?
Almost every issue is in his favor. People are fed up with gas at four dollars a gallon, and two oil men are in the White House. The Republicans aren't even trying to reduce the price, other than using the issue to promote drilling offshore and in the Alaskan wilderness. And this is just a hypocritical effort to enact legislation they have sought for years.
Other than gas, there's the rising cost of food and a general malaise in the economy. This weakness can be attributed directly to the financial effects of a huge deficit, primarily because of the war in Iraq and taxes heavily skewed to favor the rich.
How can the Hispanic vote go Republican after that Party stoked the flames of nativism and prejudice? They endorsed the break-up of families and punishment for some of the lowest tiers of our society, people who struggle every day to just make ends meet and fill some of the jobs no other American would touch.
What about universal healthcare and the fact we are the only developed country in the Western world without a safety net for our citizens? How much longer will the Republicans be able to veto legislation such as the Children's Health Insurance Program?
And regardless of your opinion of the surge, how come the Republicans voted against a GI bill designed to offer veterans a free education after putting their lives on the line for our country? This is not a Democratic or Republican issue; it's only the same thing we did for veterans returning after World War II.
How about all the Republican scandals? The corruption, the outing of CIA agents like Valerie Plame, the usurpation of power in the executive branch, or holding civil judges to a political litmus test? Not to mention Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, warrantless wiretapping, the use of torture such as waterboarding, suspension of habeas corpus and other civil liberties.
What about the ongoing shameful response to New Orleans? President Bush promised a Marshall Plan to rebuild the area. Well???
I know John McCain is not as bad as George Bush; that's a very low bar. But someone, or some Party, must be held accountable.