It was political theater at its best in Unity, NH this week. It's not that I don't believe Hillary. It's just got to be so incredibly hard for her to do this, and she deserves all the kudos she gets. Just imagine being the favorite to win the Democratic nomination and then the Presidency, only to see it all slip away. It would have crushed other people, but Hillary did what she does best, pressing on despite all the clamor around her. It was that poise in the face of the Monica Lewinsky scandal that earned her stripes. Despite all the humiliation, she took counsel and decided to save her marriage.
This time, she's saving her political career and her husband's legacy, and I have no doubt she'll do it. Hillary does indeed love her country, and she's come out of this campaign with the admiration of all around her. I heard on TV the other day, she's in the same league as some of the noblest leaders of recent history who didn't quite make it: Al Gore, Hubert Humphrey, Adlai Stevenson. That's quite a rarified atmosphere, and I look forward to what she does with her new power. I have only the highest expectations.