Since the political scene is quiet for the moment, and the Obama-McCain race has momentarily faded into the backgroud, here's some thoughts about the Olympics instead.
First of all, the opening ceremony last night was astounding. As a fireworks afficionado in the first place, I was stunned by the pyrotechnics display at the Olympics ceremony. And the videoscreen running around the top of the stadium was breathtaking. That's better than a widescreen plasma TV for sure!
I'm looking forward to taking a break from politics myself and rooting for the likes of Dara Torres and Shawn Johnson. Sports and politics have a lot of similiarities when you think about it. There's a clearcut winner and loser, and close only counts in horseshoes.
Perhaps, the bitterness and name calling in the Presidential race will subside now that noone is listening to it, at least for the next two weeks anyway.