I'm sick and tired of Republican tactics. They trot them out every four years, and just enough people are influenced that it works.
Don't they have any honor? Will they do anything to win an election? Apparently so. I just hope people catch on to them, and it produces a great big backlash.
Whether it's Willie Horton or windsurfing or Dukakis in a helmet...is this the way we really want to choose a President?
I'm sick to the stomach about these negative advertisements and am afraid, quite afraid, they might work.
Are we really going to choose a President by the person who has the most effective commercials? Will we miss out on the brave new frontier of an Obama administration and choose the tired, pay-back-the-rich and campaign contributors of another Republican administration?
I thought John McCain might be better than this. That he experienced the knife-in-the-back tactics of the Bush team in 2000 and would run a better campaign. But there he is feigning innocence and calling out OBAMA for playing the race card.
I remember a friend of mine who relayed quite a good joke. What would I be if I weren't a Democrat? The answer: Ashamed.