As President-elect Obama marches his new nominees forward in a series of press conferences, one can't help but feel impressed. In addition to the audacity of nominating Senator Clinton, the President-elect has demonstrated superb judgement of character and qualifications. He is unafraid of admitting his lack of knowledge in many fields and has shown a propensity to reach out for those who may be wiser than he. How does this compare with President Bush who filled FEMA with political hacks and demanded strict allegiance to neo-conservative values?
It's good to have the adults in charge again. It seems like January 20th can't come soon enough. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, but I was too young to remember the Camelot of the Kennedy days, and this must have been what it was like. It's amazing how much Bush and the Republicans did to mess up this country and our image in the world in just eight short years, but justice did finally come, even if it was justice delayed.
It will be a long time before the American people are willing to trust the Republicans again. I hope they enjoy their time in the wilderness.