It's nice to know the adults are back in charge. To have a President with the inner security and confidence to open us his cabinet to political opponents. A President who doesn't have to declare "I'm the decider."
The riveting story of the appointment of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State appears to have concluded as a greaet success story. Hillary has transcended past aspersions declared in the heat of the primaries, and all the more power to her for it.
And she'll be a great Secretary of State, too. People have been asking whether she will be able to subordinate her views and carry out President Obama's policy. They forget she used to be a lawyer whose main job was to represent the best wishes of her clients.
Take that Rush Limbaugh and all you other plotting conservatives. In an attempt to play a spoiler in the internal Democratic primaries, Rush, and others like him, including Laura Ingram, pushed Republicans to go to the polls (in states that allow cross-registration, often on the day of the election) and cast a vote for Hillary to prolong the Democratic contest and Democratic divisions.
But the plotters and manipulators had their own deceitfulness boomerang against them. By lengthening the race, they helped Barack Obama start campaign organizations in almost all 50 states, and it was that experience on the ground that helped him to win.
In addition, by strenghtening Hillary's hand, they made her a stronger force with almost 18 million voters, and it was that strength that Barack considered as one element in appointing her.
So, now, thanks to your own deceit, and, of course, Hillary's inherent skills, you not only have the most liberal Senator in the country running the place, but the dreaded Clintons back in the game, too.
And my thoughts can be summarized in one sentence, "Thank God, for the sake of our country."