Well,it looks like we've avoided an October surprise this election. Not for want of trying, however. All of sudden, we're bombing Pakistan like crazy. The reason why: to catch Osama bin Laden before the election and boost McCain.
However, you can't just turn an effort like this off and on, then expect to succeed. Maybe, if Bush had caught Osama bin Laden before now, the results might have been different.
Anyway, the last few days of an election, any election, are all about GOTV -- get out the vote. Maybe, the Republicans are beginning to rue their efforts to make fun of Barack Obama because he was a community organizer. Community organizers know how to get out the vote!
Anyway, like all Democrats, I'm just a little nervous. We've been within inches of the brass ring before only to have it snatched out of our hands. I'll be happy on Wednesday after Barack has been elected, and the image of this nation makes a big turn for the better.
Let's all get out and vote with our own families first. My Dad is in his 80s, but I'm driving him to the polls!