Victory! After 2000 and 2004, I forgot what it felt like. The exultation, the renewed hope for our country. And this time, of course, it was extra special.
-- To see tears streaming down Jesse Jackson's face.
-- I passed the stewards of our housing complex on my walk the next morning (they happen to be black) and just started clapping. They shook my hand and beamed at me.
-- Passing a black woman on the street, still so happy, I started clapping again. She exclaimed, "Obama," as we went our separate ways.
-- Today, passing a girl with a beautiful Golden Retriever, I said, "What a beautiful dog. Obama should choose a dog like that." She laughed.
-- A close friend whom I tried to convince (she ended up voting for the other side) sent me an email saying she was impressed when Obama said he was everyone's President now, not just for the people who voted for him.
-- Bill Maher, in his late night comedy show, said he was even proud of the country, and that it's nice to see the adults in charge again.
-- I emailed a Democratic friend about the wave of joy sweeping our land.
I know there are difficult issues now to be solved, but I have faith in the ability of our President-elect to address them in a competent, intelligent manner.